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Christmas Family Photo Ideas


I love snapping a quick holiday picture with my fam and these are a few of my absolute favorites from past years. Of course - I'd love to have a photographer every year - but truthfully my all time favorite was one my neighbor took in front of our garage the Sunday before Christmas in 2019.

This holiday - don't stress about the perfect photo - grab a tripod and set the timer, and if kids are frustrated or crying - just remember that a few years down the road you'll be grateful you took the picture and will look back with fondness - I promise.

My all time favorite - 2019. Thanks to my neighbor who literally took one shot - it was perfect!

2020 - we drove 5 minutes from our house to a little field with trees, set up the tripod, threw our coats in the snow just outside the picture frame and took a few quick snaps. I love that this photo perfectly depicts everyone's personalities.

2021 - no family photo this year - and I wish I had! See! Don't regret not taking the picture. However, this photo is dear to my heart. Santa Mouse - a book that my husbands family started reading when he was little. A tradition we have carried on and now I have this photo of my hubby reading the book to his boys and we hope they will carry it on to their future families.

Find a background in your house that you love and just snap the photo!!

This one WAS a bit more of a production. I taped a sheet to the wall, threw in a mini Christmas tree, suckers for the littles and a book - but it is a treasure! No professional photographer but it is one of my favorite photos of my boys!

I know I'm a broken record - just take the photo! We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with perfect pictures and filters galore. We need to normalize the quick snap, the smaller, quaint houses, little Christmas trees, and filter free pure faces.

Will you share a Christmas photo with me? Tag me on your Instagram stories and share this post!


Kimberly Marie



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